Tuesday, May 27, 2008

46. Visit the Best Friend and Soon to Be Husband's new apartment

Bridesmaid Luncheon at the Best Friend's Apartment

Another check off the list. And what a great way to spend the weekend too. Traveled southward into the city for some time to catch up with the Best Friend and her Soon-to-be-Husband. Their new (well at this point not so new I suppose) apartment is quite lovely. It's a renovated old bakery with high ceilings and big windows. It's very adult and makes me wonder what our lives are coming too... definitely no Never-never Land for us, Peter.

All in all a very good time with the Best Friend. We still scoop cookie dough straight from the tube, still watch Braveheart and other movies into the night, and still play board games with fierce competitiveness. However, these days the cookie dough is paired with champagne, the movies are watched in places where we actually pay rent, and the games are so old and obscure you can't even buy them on eBay for anything less than a small fortune. While the some things have changed, the best parts will forever remain the same.

On Sunday morning we joined forces with the rest of the female bridal crew for a Bridesmaid Brunch at the apartment. In full on Best Friend style it was quite a posh event. One step closer to the big day (and checking off another 101 task!).

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