Tuesday, May 20, 2008

25. Write a personal mission statement.

Why a personal mission statement, you ask? Trying to think of 101 items that can be realistically completed with a bit of stretch is not an easy task in itself. The entire purpose of this 101 in 1001 excursion is to come out better on the other side. And there was a reason for putting down on paper (or other electronic medium) specific experiences, habits, and tasks that I want to accomplish, rather than just swishing it around in my head for only me to know and forget. Here there's that accountability factor. Not that 101 police are going to hunt me down if I don't do something... but you get the picture.

The same goes for a personal mission statement. A statement of the person I am and want to become, written down for all to see, and more importantly for me to have and reflect on. To sit back and reflect and push forward and know where I'm going.

And who knew there were so many resources ready and waiting to assist me in this journey to craft a statement of intent for my own life. Of course the ever organized Franklin Covey has an entire Mission Statement Wizard that walks you through a series of steps that helps you to recognize values and goals that important to you. There is even a Mission Statement Museum so you can read through the mission statements of others to assist you in crafting your own. Or you can find a series templates where you can simply insert personal information into a ready-made statement.

Whew! So where do to begin? So much to think about, so many values and goals. This list alone is a personal mission statement of sorts. And even what I come up with here will transform as I journey ahead. So here goes (for now):

To live each day with energy, passion and faith so that I may experience life fully and strive each day to reach higher while maintaining an optimistic outlook.

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