It is more than half way through May. I'm not really sure how that happened. And needless to say I have not crossed off a darn thing from the 101 list. Completely unacceptable, you say? Ah well, this girl isn't just sitting back, I promise you. But, how would you know that right? So alas, here is a posting to prove just what this girl is going.
70. Plan a fire and rescue event at the library.
This task is well on it's way and boy will I be happy when it is over. This year I decided that we should kick-off our Summer Reading Program with a Safe Kids' Day at the library. With a little help from by buddies at Fire and Rescue the event that started as a firetruck and ambulance in my mind has now grown to over ten organizations participating, four classes being held throughout the day, and even a visit by Smokey the Bear. We'll have food, face painting, prizes, and whew... who knows what else? Mark your calendars for June 14th, with posting and pictures sure to follow.
30. Be a bridesmaid.
The next best thing to getting married? Your best friend since elementary school getting married! In fact I might be even be getting the better end of the deal here. I currently only need to listen to the venting, give occasional opinions, and wear a dress of her choosing. Which happens to be super cute. Way to go! Just a few more months and I will be a bridesmaid. Hopefully this will not be the beginning of my own personal version of
Twenty-Seven Dresses.
7. Pay off the credit card.
Ah the credit card. Without it I would never have made it through my senior year of college or that lovely semester at law school. And things were going well there for awhile too. Until that fateful day when I received a letter that my credit card company had been bought out by another. That happens all the time right? Perhaps so, however, this new company then proceeded to jack up my interest rate 20 percent. That's right 20 freakin' percent! That was the beginning of the end. Now that I have a full time job and various part time jobs on the side, I have been working on paying off the stupid thing. At the track I am on, it should be paid off by the end of the summer. At least that's the goal. And when I get there, that company will definitely be getting a piece of my mind, and a loss of my business. And I will do a jig of joy.
60. Plan a fundraiser for the high school youth at church.
For anyone who has ever worked with high schoolers, I feel for you. Heck, I feel for myself some days. Don't get me wrong. I love these kids with every bit of me. They make me proud, they make me laugh, and sometimes, they make me cry. Planning anything with this group is a task in itself and something that requires an actual commitment is nothing short of an astronomical human feat. However, I am taking this task head on and have planned a fundraiser for the beginning of June. There will be music, t-shirts for sale, baked goods, and high schoolers rocking in rocking chairs just so we can say "Jesus Rocks, so we're going to rock for Him." Corny, yes... but hey, it's all good.
10. Read a classic lit book I have not read before.
Yes, I know, I work in a library. There is absolutely no reason why this task should not have been done months ago. On a suggestion from my sister's English teacher I picked up
As I Lay Dying. The more I read the more I found myself feeling as though I was the one dying. So back onto the shelves it went. But, I will persevere! Though what book I will blow the dust off next is unknown to me. Please, leave comments, and help a girl out!