Wednesday, February 10, 2010

96. Start and finish a scrapbook

I love scrapbooks. When the scrapbooking craze hit several years ago, I oohed and ahhed over my friends' wonderful creations. I even went to a few "scrapbooking parties" and stocked up cute paper and all sorts of cutters and stickers and whatever else a scrapbooker would need.

And then it hit. I hate scrapbooking. That's right, I love the noun, hate the verb.

But, I had all this stuff, and I really thought that possibly, if I put down this task and forced myself to really work at it, maybe the finished product would help me over my aversion. Unfortunately, this was not so. I do, however, now have a scrapbook of my senior year of college. I also have found some ways around my dilemma of loving the product, hating the creation. More on this to come. For now... WALA!

1 comment:

Katie W... said...

Despite the noun/verb issue, congrats on the scrapbook, it looks lovely :)