My next to youngest cousin recently turned 18. So when my aunt had a new baby boy we were all thrilled, and have spent the past two years spoiling him rotten. Right after he was born, I decided I would set out to make him a quilt. I mean, really, how hard could it be? I jotted down a simple pattern, found cute fabric, and so it began. And, I decided, if I was going to do this, I was going to do it right, all the quilting and finishing would be done by hand.
There were many frustrating moments, where the quilt got stashed away, and I wasn't completely sure it would be coming back out, ever. But, when mother nature decided to dump two feet of snow on us this weekend, leaving me stranded in the apartment alone, I knew the time had come. I was going to finish this thing, just in time for Christmas, too!

And that I did. My first (and last) quilt is now complete! Hooray!