Wednesday, May 13, 2009

16. Go on a hike

Done and done. Twice! Who knew moving to the big city I would still be able to find not one but two beautiful places to hike.

The first was a couple months ago (it was almost too chilly to be hiking if you ask me) and I headed to Sugarloaf Mountain in Maryland with a random group of people. The hike wasn't tough, though it was a bit muddy in spots and even some snow still on the ground when we got to the top. But the view was beautiful, and definitely worth the shivers.

The second hike was a more level hike, but still a hike nonetheless. (I suppose being from the mountains when I think hike, I think incline.) Me and a friend of mine headed to Great Falls park. We stayed on the Virginia side and waved at those across the water in our neighboring state. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and nature was certainly at its best. All in all it was a great day and I am certainly glad I took the time to head out there considering it's almost in my back yard.

Again, I'm sure this is something that will be getting crossed off again, which is really the whole point of this 101 adventure. To do new things and then add them to my lifestyle. Win win!

77. Spend a day going through a museum

Not only did I complete this task, I completed it and then some. When a friend from back home brought up the idea of coming for a visit and spending the day being touristy in D.C. I certainly couldn't say no. So we packed our bags, grabbed our Metro cards and headed in with not so much as a map to guide our wanderings.

We picked a beautiful day, one of the first sunny, warm days of the season and so everyone was out. After coming off the Metro at the Smithsonian station we headed towards the only recognizable landmark, the Washington monument. We spent the morning wandering through D.C. seeing going by the World War II Memorial which was absolutely breathtaking, and very emotional. The rest of the day was much more lighthearted.

The museums were our stomping grounds and we had a great time! The inner nerd was certainly brought out!