For my first meal, I stole an old favorite from the Best Friend and made pesto gnocci with chicken and asparagus. As my uncle would say "Yum-O!"

I got a little adventurous on week 2 and went without a recipe *gasp*! Lucky for me, my days as a waitress in a mexican restaurant paid off and the chicken and lime soup also earned a "Yum-O!"

Of course the recipe-less evening only lasted one night and by week 3 I was clicking my way through websites only to find another "Yum-O" worthy recipe. Now I am a huge fan of breakfast for dinner and the scrambled eggs with borsin and peas, ham, and homefries really hit the spot.

I went back to what I knew on week 4 and used the leftover potatoes to make a friend's cheesy ranch potatoes with hamburgers (this was done with the help of my uncle since I have yet to complete the task of learning to grill... but work with people I'm learning!).
Now let me just say the fun has only just begun. I have since made lasagna; spinach, tomato, onion, and goat cheese quesadillas; and homemade doughnuts! This is definitely a 101 task that has paid off. And my future husband will be so thankful ;)