Wednesday, July 30, 2008

30. Be a bridesmaid

Photo Courtesy of Kate Triano

I know what you are thinking, such a cop out. Yes, I sort of knew I was going to be a bridesmaid when I made this list, but come on, every girl needs to be a bridesmaid at least once in her life right? So check, this is done.

My Best Friend in the whole world got married in July, and there I was standing up with her. We have been planning this wedding since we were about ten years old, complete with three ring binder, price lists, and pictures. Tastes have changed (thank goodness) but the fabulousness that surrounded it all was still there. Best Friend's wedding was amazing. Everything was beautiful and came together perfectly. I am so happy for her and am glad that I was able to be a part of her day as well as by her side for years to come.

Monday, July 7, 2008

89. Go to the gym every day for a week (except Sunday)

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've posted, I know, slightly slacking. But things are picking back up now that the summer is in full swing.

I started off the summer by quitting my old gym that had horrendous hours and a strict regimen, and joined the new club in town.

True to its name, Anytime Fitness allows me to go, well, anytime! They have a great discount for volunteer firefighters so I took advantage of that and am now paying less than I would to get cable television to my little farm shack. I can now go in and watch television anytime of day and burn calories at the same time! It's great. While I am trying to get into something resembling a routine, the flexible hours have allowed to me to reach my goal of going to the gym every day of the week. I can go in the morning, the afternoon, right after work, or even late at night if I can't sleep. And the equipment is fabulous. Did I mention they have television? Haha.

Anyway, I'm hoping that this becomes a habit and will help me to accomplish other goals such as #2...