It is official... I am a Flintstone's kid. 10 million strong... and growing :)
In all seriousness I have come to recognize the importance of a multivitamin and have through the years tried to take them on a regular basis. However, some of them make me feel icky, others find a way to the back of the medicine cabinet where they are long forgotten until after their expiration date.
So you can imagine my joy when my doctor told me that Flinstones chewable vitamins contained all a girl could ask for, and came in yummy flavors! Turns out that children really need a lot of vitamins so even though I'm a big kid now kid vitamins are chock full of enough goodness that they are good for me.
And there was step one, I knew what vitamins I needed, I went to the store and made the purchase, but this task was not about buying vitamins. I had to make the effort to remember each and every day to get with the program and get my dose of all those essential vitamins. I wish I could say I have since turned into superwoman... but hey... I'm on the right track at least!